It’s not easy to make your page stand out in a sea of competing pages on Facebook. Below we’ve added some tips to help you attract the attention of potential new members…
Optimize Your Page
To attract your target audience you need to correctly optimize your Facebook page. This means creating a custom URL that includes the name of your studio. Search engines are drawn to keywords like your city: “Minneapolis” and services: “yoga”, so you should try to spread these types of words throughout your page to get more traffic! Don’t forget to link to your website in your description as well!
Make Your Profile and Cover Images Rave Worthy!
These top-line images are your first impression for visitors so you want to make sure your profile and cover photos represent your business well. Include any colors or logos that represent your brand. Many businesses will use their logo as their profile picture and pictures of their team or studio for the cover photo.
Choose a cover photo that is visually dynamic and captures people’s attention. Lure them into your page with this photo; make them want to take a closer look at you and your page’s content.
And remember, you can also include a marketing message within your cover photo! Check out these awesome examples:

Profile pictures should be at least 180 pixels wide x 180 pixels tall. On your page the profile is cropped to a square and displays at 160 x 160 pixels. Cover photos are 828 pixels wide x 315 pixels tall. Here’s how your profile picture will display in various locations on Facebook:
Newsfeed: 100 x 100 pixels
Timeline: 86 x 86 pixels
Next to comments: 43x 43 pixels
State Your Mission (Why You Do What You Do)
Your mission should be easy to find on your page. There’s a section under the “About” tab where you can add this description. Here you’ll explain why you have your business and why you’re so invested in this industry! Having a clear mission statement on your page will open up your business and attract potential clients.
You ruin your credibility by leaving tabs and buttons empty and by not providing accurate information; make sure you keep your Facebook updated with your latest contact info and services and schedules.
Customize Your Tabs
Facebook gives you the option to create custom tabs along with all the other generic ones. These tabs are a useful way for you to advertise promotions or anything else that you want to share with your followers! For example, some studios have used this page to highlight different offers or share their training schedules. These tabs can be used for a ton of different things so be sure to take advantage of them.

The number of “likes” your page has is a really important part of establishing credibility. To start reeling in likes, first go and like other health-related businesses like nutritionists, sporting goods stores, and physical therapists. These places have a similar target audience to you, so it’s an effective way to spread your name throughout the industry. Try inviting people to like your page! A personal invitation from your studio online can mean a lot to potential members.
Review, Review, Review
Reviews are a fantastic way to market yourself. Research shows that reviews make a huge impact on the way your business is viewed and the likelihood that you’ll get people to look into your offerings!
Customers aren’t the only ones who can leave reviews (though you should definitely encourage them to review)! Ask your employees and business partners! These reviews will create a better all-around image for your studio.
Get Clients to Check-In
The best recommendations come from friends. So when one of your clients checks in at your studio with Facebook, all of their friends get to see your name. This is an awesome way to advertise, and it’s completely free!
Update Your Contact Information
The Contact Button is one of the most important parts of your page. It’s where you want people to go after they take a look at everything else you have to offer. Use this button to link to your website or direct people to training schedules. Some pages transform their contact button into a “call button” that directs visitors to a phone number. Make sure you check out what else you can do with this essential Facebook feature!
Picture This!
What better way to personalize your page than to include pictures of your own studio? This gives visitors a sneak preview of your space and builds community with your existing customers when they see themselves at your studio.
Upload Video
Videos are a great way to make your brand stand out against all those other text posts and pictures. It’s best to upload your videos directly to Facebook rather than linking elsewhere (such as YouTube) so that video automatically plays when someone is scrolling through their newsfeed. People usually don’t turn the sound on for videos (either because they’re at work or in a public space or simply to not disturb others) so it can be beneficial to have captions to ensure that they receive the message you’re trying to send!
Take Live Video
Standard videos get your brand online, but Facebook also has the option of making live videos. Going live is a terrific way to increase engagement with your brand. A study found that viewers watch live videos 3x longer than a standard video. Not only do live videos help you connect with your members, they also help you get your message out to as many people as possible.
Post Interactive Content
Another way to get people involved with your studio over Facebook is with interactive posts. These are posts where you ask your followers to finish a sentence or maybe caption a photo. For example you could make a post that says “My favorite stretch is ___”, and then people can comment with their response. These types of posts make your page a more fun and interactive space for your followers. Additionally, when someone comments on one of your posts, the post will show up in their friends’ timelines which means more publicity for you!
Use Emojis
Even though videos are popular, text is still a really important part of marketing your brand on Facebook. Emojis are a good way to add a pop of color and playfulness to your message. Rather than posting just a block of text you can add emojis or other special characters to the mix. This will make your post stand out against all those out generic text posts on Facebook.

Utilize GIFs
GIFs are the middle ground between videos and images. They will usually show a short action or a display of emotions. GIFs are a fun way to add more personality to a regular text post. Unlike emojis, GIFs can illustrate a full range of emotions in a short clip. They are perfect for adding life to a post. You can even make GIFs of yourself and your studio! Some good platforms for finding GIFs are giphy.com and gifs.net.
Include a Funny Post Once in a While!
It may sound cheesy, but this can help you get your followers to share your posts (or even go viral if you’re lucky). If you can make them laugh they are more likely to actually want to share it with their friends and that means more people viewing your page.

Tag Other Businesses
Want to spread your brand farther yet? Of course you do! Try tagging other Facebook pages in some of your posts. These can be business partners or other big fitness companies. For example, if you tag “Zumba” in a post your page is going to show up when people search for Zumba. Because people who like Zumba are already interested in fitness you can broadcast yourself to people who are more likely to buy your services!
Create Events
Use this tab of your Facebook page to promote fitness challenges, special training sessions, grand openings, and much more! After you make events you’re able to share them like you would a regular post and get it out to your Facebook followers right away.

Make Groups
If you want your members to connect outside your studio, try making a Facebook group specifically for them. This is a much more personal way to get people actively talking about your business. Facebook groups can serve as a place for your members to talk about their fitness goals, post announcements, and whatever else you think is beneficial for them. You can even stream live video into your group if you want to talk to them directly!
Boost and Promote Posts
People on Facebook are constantly generating new content and making posts so it can be difficult to ensure that people are actually viewing what you put out there! You can increase your post reach by paying a fee to boost them to your followers. Here are some of the people to whom you can promote your content:
People who like your page
Friends of people who like your page
People you target through Facebook by their age, interests, likes, etc.
Schedule Your Posts
You’re already busy running your own business, you don’t have a ton of extra time to be managing a Facebook page as well! That’s why you can schedule your posts so you don’t have to worry about constantly trying to update your page. You can write your post in the morning and then set it to publish later in the day!
Hopefully you’ll be able to use one or all of these tips to help manage your business’s page on Facebook. Happy posting!
FYI Here’s a telling graphic from a BuzzSumo study showing how Facebook posts with images receive 2.3x more engagement than those without photos.
