Source: Advertisemint
● Facebook has officially released a new feature that allows users to see all the ads that a business page is running.
● Keep an eye out for new products your competition teases in ads.
Use this info to adjust your campaign promoting a rival product and distribute ads before or after your competitor.
● Identify your competitors' key target locations.
Take note of these locations and set your ads to target the same places. Your rival probably has a good reason for targeting those areas.
● Use Info and Ads as inspiration for new ad creatives.
Check out what other businesses in your market are making. Your research can give you some ideas for your own campaign and allows you to see what exactly you're competing with.
● Check out your competition's offers, sales, and pricing.
Make sure your competition isn't offering something better or more tempting than you.
Adjust the prices of your products and services based on what you find out about your competitors.
Source: Advertisemint
● Facebook has redesigned pages on mobile so that customers can do a lot more on business profiles.
People will be able to make reservations and appointments from Facebook pages.
Users will also be able to see stories, recent photos, upcoming events, and offers on your page.
The user-friendly mobile design is essential because most people will access business pages through the Facebook app both at home and on the go.
● Facebook has revamped recommendations for business pages to make them a more prominent feature.
Not only are the recommendations easier to locate, the new design also makes your business look more transparent.
Recommendations only contain positive opinions. People don't generally give a negative recommendation.
● Users will now more easily be able to purchase tickets for an event through the Event page.
● There is now a job application tool on small business pages. This was created to help give small businesses a boost and hire amazing employees.
● Facebook now has a "Local" section that people can use to find businesses, like yours, nearby.
Users can search based on location, recommendations, or events their friends are attending.
There is also a standalone Facebook Local app
Source: Tech Crunch
● Page managers will be required to secure their accounts and verify their location as a part of posting to their Page.
● The entire process should only take a few minutes, but if they choose not to authorize they will not be able to post to their Page.
● With this authentication process, Facebook hopes to make it more difficult for accounts to be hacked by a third party.
Pages will also display a list of the countries that people who manage the page are from.
Source: Tech Crunch
Source: Buffer Blog
●The top pages are posting a lot more.
Although this had been debated back and forth, Buffer found a 24% increase in the number of posts per quarter over the past year.
● In general, Page engagement is declining.
Because there is way more news feed competition than before, engagement is still going down and has dropped by more than 50% over the last 18 months.
● Facebook engagement is down for videos, images, and links.
There is a difference between the performance for each of these types of content, however, surprisingly images (not video) regularly receive the most engagement.
● Posting 5 times per day resulted in the highest overall engagement.
● Facebook is becoming an extremely competitive environment not only for page posts but for ad content as well. Not to mention, the algorithm is always evolving.
As the competition gets fiercer businesses are becoming more and more adept at creating high-quality content. The content bar is higher than ever before and it's not always to rise to these standards.
Source: Tech Crunch
● This feature allowed users to scroll through posts from one of their designated friend lists such as work colleagues, high school friends, or neighbors.
● These Friend Feeds won't be disappearing completely, only the Friend List Feeds will be shutting down.
You'll still be able to create, edit and share to your friend lists, you just won't be able to read these specific people's updates in a separate News Feed.